Após crise de asma da mãe do noivo, apaixonados se casam em banheiro
O vídeo da cerimônia foi parar no Facebook da polícia local
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Um casal da cidade norte-americana Nova Jersey teve que trocar as alianças em um banheiro do tribunal. O motivo? A mãe do noivo teve uma severa crise de asma.
Quando Brian e Maria Shulz estavam prestes a se casar, a mulher começou a ter problemas para respirar. Ela foi levada às pressas para o banheiro da corte, onde recebeu os primeiros socorros. Serviços de emergência foram acionados, e a preocupação tomou conta dos noivos, que pensaram em adiar a cerimônia.
Nesse momento, um dos agentes então cuidando da senhora sugeriu que o casamento fosse realizado no banheiro. A juíza de paz Katie Gummer não se incomodou com o pedido do casal, e a troca de alianças foi tão inusitada que chegou a ser compartilhada pelo Facebook da polícia local:
Sheriff's Officers Assist Couple with Nuptials in Unusual Wedding Ceremony
Things didn’t go exactly as planned when a couple from Ocean Township recently visited the Monmouth County Courthouse along with their moms to get married. Thanks to the quick thinking of Monmouth County Sheriff’s Officers and a judge willing to change venues from her chambers, Brian and Maria Schulz were able to tie the knot.The planned nuptials took a sudden turn, when unfortunately the groom’s mom had trouble breathing and thought she was having an asthma attack in the courthouse. Sheriff’s Officers assisted in administering oxygen to the mom in the ladies bathroom and called EMTs to take her to the hospital. The couple was clearly upset about the mom and having to postpone their wedding in which they would have to wait another 45 days for a new marriage license to be processed. Since the sheriff’s officers were concerned about the mom and did not want her moving from the ladies room, S/O Leonard Maxfield kicked his thinking into high gear, why not get married in the ladies room? The future Mr. and Mrs. were on board and so was the Hon. Judge Katie Gummer who performed the rather unusual ceremony. We are pleased to report that Mr. and Mrs. Schulz are doing great and so is mom. They were touched that Sheriff’s Officers and the Hon. Judge Gummer went out of the way to make their day memorable and special. #SheriffGolden and the #MCSONJ commend all for a great job in pulling this off and congratulate the newlyweds! Many years of happiness.
Posted by Monmouth County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, January 24, 2018
A mãe do noivo passa bem.