Mãe conquista a internet com fotos maravilhosas e legendas sinceronas

“Esta manhã, durante o meu banho de 36 segundos, eu encontrei restos de frango cozido no meu umbigo”, desabafou Rachelle Rowlings


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1 de 1 Bebê - Foto: Reprodução/Instagram

Como muitas pessoas já sabem, o Instagram é ótimo para postar fotos de roupas, comidas e viagens, mas faz muito pouco para a autoestima de uma pessoa. Por isso, quando alguém corajosa como Rachelle Rowlings aparece a internet vai à loucura.

Ela tem 30 anos, mora em Sidney, Austrália, e tem um filho muito fofo, Roman. Em sua conta do Instagram, Rachelle posta fotos lindas com o seu bebê em lugares fantásticos. Mas, em vez de propor uma vibração da perfeição com suas palavras, legendas muito honestas, e hilariantes, acompanham cada imagem.

‘Go have some ‘you’ time’, he said. ‘You deserve it’, he said. ‘Get your nails done, have a breather’, he said … ??????. So I hopped in the car, cranked up J Lo’s ‘I’m Real’ & was ready to do some sick doughnuts & absinthe shots ??. And then I realised that this elasticised womb & subsequent hormones have made me weak as shit & there’s no place I’d rather be than home with my cute AF wolf pack. So instead, I left my brunch makeup on & ‘sunbaked’ in the yard ?. What you can’t see in this photo though is half the EE’s resting on the ground, stomach skin that looks like a half demolished creme brûlée & a 25 kilo dog sitting between my legs (not a pun about my bikini line) ??. Side note: Can’t wait till my boobs no longer look like Jared Leto’s arm in ‘Requiem for a Dream’ ?. Didn’t manage a tan but managed to play the worlds smallest violin about being an agoraphobic ?? Happy Sunday ❤️

Uma foto publicada por JR ✖️ RR ✖️ RR (@rachelle.rowlings) em

“Esta manhã, durante o meu banho de 36 segundos, eu encontrei restos de frango cozido no meu umbigo”, diz uma legenda em uma foto dela usando um vestido bonito branco segurando seu filho. “O que você não pode ver nesta é a pele da minha barriga que parece com a metade de um creme brûlée destruído”, desabafa em outra foto balançando um óculos escuro.

A mamãe também fez questão de avisar aos amigos: “Eu costumava ser um de vocês. Eu me lembro bem. Respondia Whatsapp prontamente, comia com utensílios, esperava impacientemente o chá esfriar. Por favor, estejam cientes de que quando eu não estou respondendo às suas mensagens, estou sendo presa ao chão por um pequeno gorducho ou sendo usada como escada humana. Quando eu não atendo o telefone é mais provável que eu esteja esfregando cocô endurecido de minhas unhas”, ela escreveu.

Em entrevista ao Daily Mail da Austrália, Rachelle disse que a ideia de contar a verdade nas fotos surgiu quando ela estava passando mal pela manhã e pensou: “Devem ter outras mulheres vivendo como eu”. Mas não encontrou nenhuma em sua busca na rede social.

“Ninguém te conta que você não vai sair da casa por seis semanas depois que eles nascem ou que seus seios ficarão duros como pedras e que você não dormirá mais nenhuma noite”, conta. Então ela resolveu falar para as mulheres conectadas que tudo não é um mar de flores. Com mais de 11 mil seguidores, a sinceridade da mamãe australiana tem ganhando cada vez mais fãs.

I love the term ‘TGIF’ ?? … I used to think ? ‘Honestly babe, you’ve had the toughest week. You deserve this weekend. Go large. Treat yo self. Relax. Book a massage darl. Stare at a wall for an hour. Lay in bed & look at those split ends. Sit in silence & add a little sigh thinking about your sensational life, silky breast skin & tight pelvic floor’ ??. Our weekend now?! Lets break it down. Week-end?! There’s no end ‼️Commander doesn’t flip us a peace sign & head to Avalon for a mini break ✌?️Saturday & Sunday are a compilation of ‘He’s reaching for that double adaptor’, ‘Did he just piss on the dog?!’, ‘Wow broccoli comes out the same as it went in!’, ‘Is that a fart or a shart?!’, ‘Do you reckon that gin has gone into my breast milk yet?!’, ‘Is that rash hospital worthy?!’ ‘Should we get Foodora or have tuna & rice?!’ ? … So I’ll pass on your TGIF & instead trump you with a TGIMITAWWAKTK (Thank god I made it through another week without accidentally killing the kid) ✔️Enjoy your Saturday night, shmucks ??#whysobitter #sobitterandsotired #luckilyhescuteAF #andwillonedayposeinthesamephoto #butholdingmeintheair xx

Uma foto publicada por JR ✖️ RR ✖️ RR (@rachelle.rowlings) em

Today I had a choice ?I could let a bad haircut, a community of ants, an anal gland leaking dog, a blocked drain & a nocturnal Lord Commander defeat me; pour myself some draino & cheers to a great 30 years ?OR; I could throw a ridiculous ‘I couldn’t afford the jumper’ Gucci beanie on my mullet & get the f*** on with it ??However: If I ever hear someone say ‘they didn’t say it was easy, but it sure is worth it’ – I’ll cut them ?That definitely applies to the kid ?? (besides when he gnaws the paint off his highchair) but it does not apply to scrubbing anal gland leak, lamb & quinoa purée & my tears off the ‘one day I’ll be an interior stylist’ couch cushions ??Here’s a big middle finger Tuesday, Wednesday better have something shiny, carby or fashiony involved or you can find me burrowing underground until he’s older, I’m thinner & Kim K returns to Instagram ??#howsthecommandersface #notdigginghisoutfit #butitmatchedmybeanie #sooooo #mumforthewin #farshun

Uma foto publicada por JR ✖️ RR ✖️ RR (@rachelle.rowlings) em

Somewhere along the evolutionary trail we’ve allowed our young to remain helpless & dependant for 3 decades ? Can you imagine a pigeon having this much patience? ?Or a duck being like ‘yeah cool little duckling, climb up on my shit, spew on my beak, stay at home till you’re 30 & then we’ll front a deposit for part of a river bed’ ?LC has moved himself into the master bedroom which in turn has become a baby dumpster ?Yesterday he shit on his owl mat, vomited minced lamb in his bed & became best friends with a PowerPoint ⚠️Shortly before making out with the change table wheels ?This morning after using my tiramisu thighs as a walking stick, he tried to chew off a mole & breast fed in a crouching position ?He hates every $29.95 toy I’ve bought because of some Mummy Blogger & instead naps with the wooden salad tongs ??Honestly kid, keep the house – I’ll bunker down in Centennial Park while all parts of me are still fairly intact ?? #heaskedforthisphoto #lovesapose #embarrassingreally #butidonthateit #childprop

Uma foto publicada por JR ✖️ RR ✖️ RR (@rachelle.rowlings) em

Assailant: Toast ? Last Seen: Commanders Throat Witness: Shit her pants ? Witness Statement: It all happened so quick! One moment we’re both in our underwear sharing toast intermittently interpretive dancing to Alvin & the Chipmunks, next minute I’m having a tug of war with Roman’s tonsils ??‍♀️I completely spazzed out which in turn made him spazz out which made the dog spazz out & all in all we were one fried brain cell off checking into the funny farm ? In my ‘that’s it I’ve killed the kid’ moment I blamed everyone but myself – ‘Use your 2 teeth more effectively Roman!’ ‘The f*ing toaster toasted too well!’ ‘Did the baker over bake this loaf?!’ ‘How dare Grandma take her elderly parents grocery shopping this morning.’ ? Outcome – I will now chew all of Commanders food and regurgitate it back to him ????? #comeandvisit #illchewyourfoodtoo #tweettweet

Uma foto publicada por JR ✖️ RR ✖️ RR (@rachelle.rowlings) em

If you’re a health professional you get a DR title ⛑Academic you’re Professor ?Knighted it’s Dame ?What about Mum’s though?! Feelings on LEGEND in front of our names?! ‘To dear LEGEND Rowlings’. Because honesty, I’ve increased my specialities tenfold ?. Builder – Of every single effing thing purchased in a box for this kid. I sleep with an allen key under my pillow ?. Engineer – Specialising in pillow forts ?. Risk accessor – How long is too long to leave him asleep in the car with the window open while I go inside the house?! ? Athlete – Can bench press 10 kilo Popeye impersonator ???? Cleaner – Of all types of baby faeces ? Quality control – Can remove clothing tags with teeth ? Nutritionist – Mix the mango, broccoli & weetbix ?? Magician – Now you see me now you don’t, peakaboo up in this shit ?. Entrepreneur- Making toys from household objects e.g – toothbrush in a cup ?? Comedian – Stand up comedy skit of spitting dummy out of my mouth onto bed repeatedly ? Aeronautical Engineer – Right angle flip somersault the kid into his car seat ?. Since that’s justified it, from now my mail will read LEGEND ROWLINGS ✔️#illchattotrumpaboutit #hewillbeonboard #itsnograbbingpussy #butitshouldbecool

Uma foto publicada por JR ✖️ RR ✖️ RR (@rachelle.rowlings) em

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